Risteilyjä ja laivamatkoja voi myös varata puh. 010 320 8820 tai info@paijanne-risteilythilden.fi

Reservations also by phone +358 (0)10 320 8820 or email info@paijanne-risteilythilden.fi


Read more about our ships and check the departure port information


The story behind Päijänne Cruises Hilden

Get to know our company and our history.

Get to know us

Departure ports and parking

Check the nearest parking lots and more detailed addresses of the ports.

Read more

Risteilykapteenin käsi ruorilla

Booking and cancellation terms

Learn more about the booking and cancellation terms for our cruises.

Booking and cancellation terms

Restaurant services and menus

Our ships’ restaurants offer delicious food made from local ingredients.

Restaurant services


Find answers to frequently asked questions.


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