Risteilyjä ja laivamatkoja voi myös varata puh. 010 320 8820 tai info@paijanne-risteilythilden.fi

Reservations also by phone +358 (0)10 320 8820 or email info@paijanne-risteilythilden.fi

Boat Trip Jyväskylä – Äänekoski

Bye the tickets

Five Canal Cruise Jyväskylä – Äänekoski

The Keitele canal links lakes Päijänne and Keitele vie numerous small lakes and five sets of locks. The journey also takes in the famous rock paintings at Saraakallio, and features not only great rural scenery but also some narrow navigation passages. There is restaurant onboard. You can also make the cruise one way by boat and return by bus.

Timetables and maps

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